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Lasting Power of Attorney

There are two types of LPA:


Health and Wealth allows your attorney to make decisions about things like medical care or moving into a care home.


Property and Finance gives your attorney the power to make decisions about your finances, for example making sure your bills are paid or selling your house if you need to pay for additional care needs.


Why do I need an LPA?

  • Allows you to decide who will help you make decisions about your health and wellbeing if you are struggling to do so yourself

  • Could help to save your family from the stress and cost of having to apply to the Court of Protection to help you manage your affairs

  • Helps protect you from financial hardship if you lose capacity by letting someone you trust help you with decisions about your finances.


At Good Life Mortgage, this service is offered by referring to a trusted third party.

Will Writing

Lasting Power of Attorney
Will Writing
Funeral Plan
Why should I have a Will?

It is important to make a will because: if you die without a will, there are certain rules which dictate how the money, property or possessions should be allocated. This may not be the way that you would have wished your money and possessions to be distributed.


Creating a will gives you the chance to do some good with the assets you’ve worked hard to accumulate during your lifetime. It’s your opportunity to protect your family, set out how you would like to reward those important to you after you’ve gone, and an excellent opportunity to donate to any causes you’ve always been passionate about. It’s often a lot easier and cheaper to create a will than you may imagine. We do not provide advice on wills, but we can put you in touch with a trusted third party who can help.



Funeral Plan

Care Plan

Are you  looking for care for someone and in need of help navigating the complex social and health care system in England?


At Good Life Mortgage we can refer you to a company that gives advice in this area. The company offers a free 15 minute initial consultation and further advice for a fee.


From explaining what care options and support are available, to helping people understand the value of professional, financial and legal advice and to gain access to it, the third party seeks to establish a clear pathway, a joined-up approach and to be an independent ‘first port of call' in meeting the often complicated and frequently urgent needs that many older people have.

Their client services include telephone consultations and bespoke care reports, preceded by a detailed client fact-find, designed to resolve issues and to provide solutions to care needs. Often, people ‘don't know what they don't know', so the company helps fills in the gaps by providing guidance to meet a client's personal needs and circumstances.


At Good Life Mortgage, this service is offered by referring to a trusted third party.





Pension Advice

Why should I get advice for retirement?


In the past, when you’d taken your tax-free cash from your pension pot, you would almost certainly have had to use the rest of the money to buy an annuity. The annuity would provide you with a guaranteed income for the rest of your life.


But rules introduced in April 2015 mean that when you’re aged 55 or over, you can use your pension pot in any way you want.


But with more freedom comes more choices and more complexities. Many people might therefore benefit from getting regulated financial advice when deciding what to do with their pot.

Even if you’ve never had financial advice before, this is probably the time to do it.

Unless you’re very sure about what you want to do, getting advice might be the best financial decision you’ll ever make.


At Good Life Mortgage, this service is offered by referring to a trusted third party.

Should I have a Funeral Plan? What are the 3 main benefits of a funeral plan?


Could reduce stress for friends and family at an already emotional time. Saves money. It may guarantee your family will never have to pay more for your funeral — no matter what happens with inflation. Shows you care.


The pros of prepaid funeral plans are: You can secure the price and protect yourself from rising funeral costs. Your loved ones won't have to find the money for your funeral. If you have savings, your family won't have to use their inheritance to pay for your funeral.


At Good Life Mortgage, this service is offered by referring to a trusted third party.


Care Plan
Pension Advice


If you are considering purchasing a commercial property and would like a commercial loan, please get in touch.


At Good Life Mortgage, this service is offered by referring to a trusted third party.

Commercial Loans

Commercial Loans

When moving house, you might wonder – what will Conveyancing actually do for me? The world of conveyancing can seem mysterious - we lift the lid on some of the essential activities that they do in order for you to move.

Once you’ve put in an offer on a new place, they’ll take on all of the legalities, this includes drafting the sale contract and performing a wide range of valuable searches to keep you protected. These can range from environmental searches as well as planning issues affecting your property – to safeguard you from buying someone else’s problem, and can uncover whether your dream purchase has ever suffered from any major issues such as flooding, mining subsidence or contaminated land.


After your offer has been accepted, a solicitor will take care of the legalities – from drafting contracts, carrying out searches, to overseeing the contract signatures, through to the exchange and completion.


Your solicitor will report back on all their findings and allow you the chance to walk away, or oversee you signing the contract with the seller. They’ll also take care of the transfer of the payments ready for your completion date, handle any Stamp Duty payments and hand over the keys ready for you to move in to your dream home.


We do not provide advice in this area, please seek independent advice.


At Good Life Mortgage I have access to a panel of conveyancers and will recommend the most affordable conveyancing quote to you. I can access your case and I aim to speed the process along for you.


All conveyancers work on a no completion no fee basis:


Wording by the third party - The conveyancer  :


No Completion No Fee. All firms on our panel work on a 'No Completion, No Fee' basis. This means that if a transaction does not complete, you will not be charged for the solicitor's time. However, any monies spent on disbursements (Searches etc.) will not be refunded.


I can also book  the following for you: Surveys, energy performance certificates, stand alone lease extensions and the necessary documentation for self build.





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